Rehabilitation for Orphaned and Injured
Wild Songbirds
The Wildlife Center of North Georgia is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to providing care for wild songbirds. We focus on providing care for orphaned and injured birds so our patients can return to the wild to live normal lives. We also work to increase awareness of the importance of protecting wild birds from the human-related risks affecting their populations.
Our program of rehabilitation includes species-specific nutritional management, medical care, habitat enrichment, species socialization, and pre-release conditioning. Our work is centered on keeping our patients "wild" so they can be released to resume normal lives and produce future generations. Click on the image below to follow Ringo's rehab journey and learn more about our work.
As a volunteer-managed nonprofit, donations go directly towards our mission and help to pay for bird feed and supplies, medications, aviary construction and maintenance, and veterinary services. Donations may be fully tax-deductible.
Please consider making a donation today!
You Can Make a Difference
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Donations may be fully tax deductible.
Tax ID 92-2652390


Need Bird Help?
If you have found a bird you believe needs help, please visit our HELP pages. In some cases, there are self-help tips that may help you resolve the situation more quickly.
Please visit Animal Help Now at to locate a rehabilitator close to your location or visit our resources page. We are located in Acworth, GA and serve north Georgia.
If you have found a bird in need of help, please place the bird into a ventilated container like a cardboard box lined with paper or cloth towels and place the container in a safe, quiet room until help can be found. Please do not give the bird any water or food unless advised to do so. Please TEXT us a photo and brief description of the situation and we will reply as soon as we are available. TEXT only please: 678-386-9116.
If you have found a bird in severe distress and actively bleeding, please take it to the closest veterinary emergency clinic.
Sign up here for our quarterly e-newsletter with stories about our rehab patients, bird-related information, and local events.